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Life and Protection Insurance

This section provides helpful information on the different types of protection product available.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Trusts.

Beginner's Guide to Protecting your Future

Beginner's Guide to Protecting your Future

It's a sad fact that whilst most of us are quite happy to insure our car, our house and our travel arrangements to their full value, few of us take quite as much care over our health and loved ones. This guide will assist you in considering your own situation.

What is Level Term Assurance?

What is Level Term Assurance?

The name says it all. It's term assurance, as you only get a payout within the set 'term' e.g. 18 years. Its level, because the payout you get is fixed from the start of the term until the end. Level term assurance thus guarantees a known lump sum payout upon death within a fixed time e.g. £150,000 if you die within the next 18 years.

What is Critical Illness Cover?

What is Critical Illness Cover?

Although Critical Illness cover is sold by life assurers, there is a big difference when compared with life insurance - you don't have to die to benefit from the Critical Illness insurance policy. This type of cover is designed to pay out a lump sum in the event of you suffering from certain types of critical illness or if you have to undergo certain types of surgery as specified in the policy terms and conditions.

Payment Protection Insurance / Short Term Income Protection Insurance

Payment Protection Insurance / Short Term Income Protection Insurance

Payment Protection Insurance and Short Term Income Protection Insurance can provide a monthly income to help cover your regular outgoings if you can’t work due to an accident, illness or injury.

UK News

Imports of the metals will be hit with a 25% levy, a move that will have the biggest impact in Canada.
Beijing's move comes after President Donald Trump imposed a 10% levy on goods imported from China.
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The US President cites rising costs as the reason for discontinuing production of the one cent coin
Stuart Machin says the sector is facing a wave of tax rises and the government needs to "lighten the burden".